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What is a Teleport Anchoring Scroll in Old School RS

Jul-16-2024 PST

Old School RS (OSRS) is a game that isn't shy when it comes to reworking older content, and the recent Chaos Temple update is no exception. Chaos Druids and Zombie Pirates now battle it out in the Wilderness, with new rewards to tempt players out into those dangerous areas. Of these new rewards, the Teleport Anchoring Scroll is perhaps the most interesting.


But what does the Teleport Anchoring Scroll do? This guide will walk you through the new item, as well as its drop sources, so that you can get your hands on one of the more niche, but useful, items in Old School RuneScape.


What is a Teleport Anchoring Scroll?


The Teleport Anchoring Scroll is a one-time use item that gives players protection from the teleporting attack of the Chaos Druids, as well as the teleporting attack of the Abyssal Demons.


For players looking to kill monsters at the Chaos Temple effectively, this will be a necessary item to grab. The teleporting attack can both make it harder to attack enemies and make it harder to run away from PKers. The Teleport Anchoring Scroll will take a lot of chaos out of the situation.


The Teleport Anchoring Scroll will also be useful for those looking to burst Abyssal Demons. By taking away the teleporting attack, it should be much easier to maneuver them into positions where bursting has the most effect.


How Do Players Get the Teleport Anchoring Scroll?


The Teleport Anchoring Scroll can be received as loot when opening Zombie Pirate's Lockers. To open them, players can kill Zombie Pirates in the Chaos Temple area of the Wilderness. Zombie Pirates have a 1/24 chance to drop a Zombie Pirate Key. Using a Zombie Pirate Key on a Zombie Pirate's Locker gives players a 1/275 chance of receiving the Teleport Anchoring Scroll. Otherwise, the Zombie Pirate's Locker gives players similar loot to that received from Zombie Pirates, but in quantities that are twice as large.


While this item may not be necessary for everyone, it makes the two methods mentioned above much more efficient. For players who are looking to make OSRS gold in the Wilderness or just trying to train Slayer efficiently, this item will be a helpful one.


The Chaos Temple Update: Enhancing the Wilderness Experience


The Chaos Temple update has brought a significant shift to how players approach the Wilderness. Traditionally, the Wilderness has been a high-risk, high-reward area where players face not only dangerous monsters but also the constant threat of player-killers (PKers). The introduction of Chaos Druids and Zombie Pirates has added a new layer of complexity and excitement to this already perilous zone.


Chaos Druids and Their Teleporting Attack


Chaos Druids, notorious for their unpredictability, have always been a challenging foe in OSRS. Their new teleporting attack makes them even more formidable, as it disrupts player positioning and combat strategies. The teleporting attack can be particularly frustrating during extended engagements, making it harder to maintain a steady rhythm in combat.


Abyssal Demons: A Strategic Challenge


Abyssal Demons, another group of creatures affected by the Teleport Anchoring Scroll, are a staple of high-level Slayer training. Known for their high hitpoints and valuable drops, Abyssal Demons are frequently targeted by players looking to maximize their Slayer experience and profit. However, their teleporting attack has always been a thorn in the side of players, disrupting attack cycles and positioning.


With the Teleport Anchoring Scroll, players can now neutralize this disruptive ability, allowing for more efficient and controlled combat. This is especially beneficial for players using area-of-effect (AoE) spells, such as Ice Burst or Ice Barrage, as it ensures that the demons stay within the desired area for maximum damage output.


Maximizing Efficiency with the Teleport Anchoring Scroll


To fully appreciate the value of the Teleport Anchoring Scroll, players should consider incorporating it into their broader Wilderness and Slayer strategies. Here are some tips on how to make the most out of this unique item:


Preparation and Planning


Before heading into the Wilderness or engaging in high-level Slayer tasks, players should stock up on Teleport Anchoring Scrolls. Since these scrolls are consumable and provide a one-time use effect, having multiple scrolls on hand ensures that players are always prepared for extended combat sessions.


Pairing with Other Items and Gear


To enhance the effectiveness of the Teleport Anchoring Scroll, players can pair it with other combat-enhancing items and gear. For example, using high-tier weapons and armor can help maximize damage output and survivability, while potions and food ensure sustained combat performance.


Timing and Usage


Using the Teleport Anchoring Scroll at the right moment is crucial. Players should activate the scroll just before engaging with Chaos Druids or Abyssal Demons to ensure that the teleporting attacks are neutralized from the start. This allows for a smoother and more controlled combat experience.


Integration into Slayer Tasks


For players focusing on Slayer training, integrating the Teleport Anchoring Scroll into their tasks can significantly improve efficiency. By eliminating the teleporting attacks of Abyssal Demons, players can complete tasks faster and with fewer interruptions, leading to higher experience rates and better overall results.




The Teleport Anchoring Scroll is a valuable addition to Old School RuneScape, offering players a unique tool to counter the disruptive teleporting attacks of Chaos Druids and Abyssal Demons. By understanding its mechanics and incorporating it into their strategies, players can enhance their combat efficiency and make the most out of their Wilderness and Slayer experiences.


As the game continues to evolve and new updates are introduced, items like the Teleport Anchoring Scroll highlight the developers' commitment to keeping the gameplay fresh and engaging. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a new player, the Teleport Anchoring Scroll is a must-have item for anyone looking to conquer the challenges of OSRS's Wilderness and beyond.


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