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Dragon Slayer II Boss - Simple and Quick Guide

Jul-26-2024 PST

Welcome, foxes, to another OSRS guide! Today, we're going to tackle the infamous Dragon Slayer II quest bosses, Vorkath and Galvek. This quest seems pretty daunting to a lot of players, but with a little patience and practice. Let's get started, and you won't even need to be maxed for combat stats. My stats are 78 Defense, 84 Ranged, 71 Prayer, and 85 Hitpoints.


Inventory and Gear Setup

Here's what you'll need for Vorkath:

    • Inventory:

        • 1 Super Restore

        • 1-2 Anti-Venom

        • 1 Bastion Potion

        • 1 Extended Super Antifire Potion

        • Slayer Staff set to Auto-Cast Crumble Undead

        • Rune Pouch with runes for Crumble Undead (Chaos Runes, Air Runes, Earth Runes)

        • Food (Sharks or better)

    • Gear:

        • Void Ranger Helm

        • Ava's Accumulator

        • Amulet of Fury

        • 500 Ruby Dragon Bolts (e)

        • Dragon Crossbow

        • Void Top and Bottom

        • Dragonfire Shield

        • Void Gloves

        • Snakeskin Boots

        • Archer's Ring (imbued)


Vorkath has a variety of attacks:

1. Regular Attacks:

        • Melee

        • Magic (light blue)

        • Range (spiked ball)

2. Dragonfire Attacks:

        • Normal Dragonfire: Deals damage.

        • Venomous Dragonfire: Applies venom if you're not immune.

        • Prayer-Disabling Dragonfire: Turns off your prayers.

        • Vertical High Damage Dragonfire: Will kill you in one hit if you're standing one tile away; half damage if two tiles away.

3. Special Attacks:

        • Acid Pool: Spits acid on the ground, causing damage and healing Vorkath if walked over.

        • Zombified Ice Dragonfire: Freezes you and spawns a zombie creature that explodes upon reaching you.

Boss Fight Strategy

1. Preparation:

        • Pot up with your Bastion Potion, Extended Antifire, and Anti-Venom.

        • Enter Vorkath's lair and pray for Magic.

2. Combat:

        • Start attacking Vorkath. When he sends out a pink fireball, it will turn off your prayer. Toggle your quick prayer back on.

        • When you're frozen, quickly switch to your staff and attack the zombie creature with Crumble Undead.

        • Switch back to your crossbow and continue attacking Vorkath.

        • During the acid pool attack, turn off your run and walk back and forth in a line. Click to change direction before reaching your destination tile to avoid damage.

        • For the high damage fireball, move at least two tiles away.

        • Repeat these steps, eating and drinking as necessary, until Vorkath is defeated.


Inventory and Gear Setup

Here's what you'll need for Galvek:

    • Inventory:

        • 2 Super Restores

        • 1 Ranging Potion

        • 1 Extended Super Antifire Potion

        • Food (Manta Rays or better)

    • Gear:

        • Void Ranger Helm

        • Ava's Accumulator

        • Amulet of Fury

        • 407 Ruby Dragon Bolts (e)

        • Dragon Crossbow

        • Void Top and Bottom

        • Dragonfire Shield

        • Void Gloves

        • Snakeskin Boots

        • Archer's Ring (imbued)


Galvek has four phases:

1. Phase One (Fire):

        • Attacks with melee and magic.

        • Launches fire bombs covering a 3x3 radius, exploding after a set time or if you move within one tile.

        • Shoots vertical high damage fireball (move two tiles away).

        • Teleports you to him if you're not in melee range.

2. Phase Two (Air):

        • Moves to the western side of the ship.

        • Launches gusts of wind that drain your stats and run energy.

        • Uses ranged and magic attacks.

3. Phase Three (Water):

        • Moves to the eastern side of the ship.

        • Sends out tsunamis. Find the gap and run through it to avoid damage.

4. Phase Four (Earth):

        • Lands in the middle of the ship.

        • Launches earth projectiles that freeze you in place.

Boss Fight Strategy

1. Preparation:

        • Drink an extended antifire dose and a dose of your ranging potion.

        • Tell Torfinn you want to travel to the fleet.

        • Turn on Protect from Magic and attack Galvek from either the left or right tile marker in front of him.

2. Phase One:

        • Watch Galvek closely. If he looks like he's about to sneeze, move to the other tile marker to avoid fire bombs.

        • Move two tiles away when he shoots a high damage fireball.

        • Toggle your prayer back on when hit by the pink fireball.

3. Phase Two:

        • Continue watching for his sneezes and move between the tile markers.

        • Focus on avoiding the gusts of wind and keep an eye on your run energy.

4. Phase Three:

        • Turn your run back on.

        • When Galvek shoots out water, find the gap and run through it.

        • Return to the tile marker and watch for sneezes and fireballs.

5. Phase Four:

        • Stand closer to your army and ping pong between tile markers.

        • Move when he throws earth projectiles to avoid being frozen.

        • Continue to focus on his sneezes and avoid fireballs.

Final Tips

    • Always keep your health high, especially when moving between phases.

    • Don't panic if you run out of food; focus on avoiding damage and dealing consistent DPS.

    • Practice makes perfect. The more you familiarize yourself with the mechanics, the easier it will become.

That's how you beat Vorkath and Galvek in Dragonslayer II! If you want to contribute to RSorder, please consider becoming a member, where you'll get cool perks. If you haven't visited the RSorder store yet, please consider checking it out—you can also buy OSRS gold here!

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