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Comparing the New Staff with the Toxic Staff of the Dead in Old School RS

Jul-24-2024 PST

In the competitive and ever-evolving world of Old School RS (OSRS), new equipment releases often shake up the meta. Recently, a new staff was introduced, and players have been eager to see how it measures up against the established Toxic Staff of the Dead, particularly in high-stakes environments like the Revenant Caves. Let's dive into a detailed comparison of these two Mage weapons to see which comes out on top.


Overview of the New Staff


The new staff, which we'll refer to as the Purging Staff for this analysis, is obtained by completing the challenging quest "When Guthix Sleeps." This staff boasts several intriguing attributes:


    • Magic Accuracy: +37

    • Magic Damage: +10%

    • Strength Bonus: +13


These stats immediately position the Purging Staff as a formidable tool in the Mage's arsenal, particularly because it also features a special attack bar, similar to the popular Bow of Faerdhinen (Bofa).


Toxic Staff of the Dead: A Staple in PvP


The Toxic Staff of the Dead (TSoTD) has been a staple in both PvM and PvP due to its balanced stats and unique effects. Key attributes include:


    • Magic Accuracy: +25

    • Magic Damage: +15%

    • Toxic Effects: Can poison opponents, adding a consistent damage-over-time effect.


While the TSoTD offers slightly less magic accuracy (+25 compared to +37), it compensates with a higher magic damage boost (+15% compared to +10%).


Head-to-Head Comparison


Magic Accuracy and Damage


The Purging Staff has a superior magic accuracy of +37, compared to the TSoTD's +25. This significant difference means that spells are more likely to hit their target, reducing the frequency of splashes (misses), which is crucial in PvP scenarios.


However, the TSoTD's 15% magic damage boost is 5% higher than the Purging Staff's 10%. This means the TSoTD can deal more damage per hit, especially when combined with other damage-enhancing equipment and potions.


Special Abilities and Practical Use


The Purging Staff's special attack bar allows for versatility similar to weapons like the Bofa. This can be a game-changer in PvP, allowing for strategic special attacks that can turn the tide of a battle.


On the other hand, the TSoTD's toxic effect provides a steady stream of damage, which can wear down opponents over time. This is particularly effective in longer fights where sustained damage can force opponents to use their food supplies more quickly.


Strength Bonus and PKing Potential


One notable downside of the Purging Staff is its +13 strength bonus, which is generally less useful for pure magic users and more aligned with hybrid combat styles. This makes it less ideal for pure PKing (Player Killing) scenarios where maximizing magic damage and accuracy is key.


In contrast, the TSoTD's ability to poison and its higher magic damage boost makes it a more straightforward choice for PKers focusing solely on magic attacks.


Field Testing: Revenant Caves


To truly understand the practical implications of these stats, let's consider some real-world testing scenarios in the Revenant Caves, a popular area for both PvM and PvP.


Freeze Spells and Hit Accuracy


Using the Purging Staff, players have reported significantly fewer splashes when casting freeze spells such as Ice Barrage. The higher accuracy translates to more consistent freezes, giving the user greater control over the battlefield. This advantage cannot be overstated in both single and multi-combat zones.


For example, in a typical encounter, a player using the Purging Staff was able to land consistent 40s, securing kills quickly due to the reliability of their hits. This contrasts with experiences using the TSoTD, where more splashes can occur, potentially allowing opponents to escape or retaliate.


Damage Output and Sustained Combat


Despite the Purging Staff's accuracy, the lower magic damage boost compared to the TSoTD means that individual hits are slightly less powerful. In extended fights, such as those often seen in Revenant Caves, this can lead to longer kill times. However, the ability to consistently hit spells may offset this downside, depending on the player's strategy.


PvP Encounters: PKing with the Purging Staff


In direct PvP combat, the Purging Staff shines due to its versatility and special attack capabilities. Players have reported successful use of the staff in combination with melee weapons like the Abyssal Tentacle or Karil's crossbow for hybrid setups. The ability to switch between powerful magic and melee attacks keeps opponents on their toes and can lead to quick knockouts (KOs).


One notable example includes a player engaging in a high-stakes fight, using the Purging Staff to freeze and weaken their opponent before switching to a powerful melee weapon for the finishing blow. The accuracy of the freezes played a critical role in maintaining control of the fight.


Conclusion: Which Staff Reigns Supreme?


The decision between the Purging Staff and the Toxic Staff of the Dead ultimately depends on the player's specific needs and combat style. Here's a quick summary:


    • Purging Staff: Superior magic accuracy (+37) makes it ideal for consistent hits and freezes, crucial in both PvM and PvP. The special attack bar adds versatility for strategic plays.

    • Toxic Staff of the Dead: Higher magic damage (+15%) and the added toxic effect make it better for sustained damage over time. The lack of a special attack bar limits its versatility but ensures consistent damage output.


For players prioritizing accuracy and control in high-risk areas like the Revenant Caves, the Purging Staff offers significant advantages. However, for those focusing on raw damage and sustained pressure, the TSoTD remains a solid choice.


In the end, both staffs have their unique strengths, and the best choice will vary based on individual play styles and specific combat scenarios. If you have any osrs items in the article, you can choose RSorder! You can also buy OSRS gold here. Happy hunting, adventurers!


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